Review new supplier proposals

Each new supplier proposal that you receive appears on the My Tasks view on the Dashboard page. From there, you can review each proposal. You also receive email notifications for new review tasks.

Your task as the reviewer is to make sure that all necessary details are filled in. You must also select the correct supplier category if the creator of the proposal did not select the category. You can either forward the proposal to the approvers or reject the proposal. The rejection can include a message of the rejection reason. If the proposal is rejected in review, the proposal is returned to the creator of the proposal for updates. The creator can send the updated proposal to review again.

  1. Under New vendor requests to review, click Review requests.
  2. On the list of suppliers shown on the My Vendors page, select the supplier that you want to review, and click Review.
  3. If you want to edit the information under Administrative information, click and edit the following as necessary:
    Change the category of the supplier.
    ERP Vendor ID
    Edit the supplier identifier that is used in your ERP system. The ID is important to map to the correct ERP supplier entity.
    Eligible for sourcing
    Select this check box if you want the supplier data to be copied to your external sourcing system.

    If there are custom fields in the supplier proposal, you can edit them under Additional information.

    After you have updated the information, click Save.

  4. Under Basic company details, review the supplier's information.
  5. If the supplier data enrichment service by Dun & Bradstreet is activated for your company, you can enrich the supplier data before you approve or reject the supplier. To do this, click Send to approval > Enrich with D&B.
  6. Click Send to approval > Approve to proceed with the supplier approval process, or Send to approval > Reject if you want to reject this proposal.

    When you reject a proposal at this stage, the proposal is set to Needs update status. The service sends an email to the creator of the proposal and informs them that the proposal has been rejected in the review. After this, the creator of the proposal can make changes to the proposal and resend it to the approval workflow.