Enrich supplier data from Dun & Bradstreet

If the Dun & Bradstreet feature has been activated for your company, you can enrich the information of the suppliers with information from the global Dun & Bradstreet registry. The number of suppliers that you can apply this feature to depends on your company's agreement with Basware.
  1. Click Network.
  2. Click Vendors.
  3. On the list of suppliers, do one of the following:
    • To enrich the data of an individual supplier, in the drop-down list next to the supplier, select Enrich with D&B.
    • To enrich the data of multiple suppliers, select the check boxes next to the suppliers that you want, and in the drop-down list above the supplier list, select Enrich with D&B.

The selected suppliers are sent to the Dun & Bradstreet data enrichment service. On the list of suppliers, the D&B status changes to In progress. When the supplier data has been checked by the service, you receive an email notification, and the D&B status changes according to the received results.

After this first data enrichment check, the service keeps monitoring the Dun & Bradstreet registry and updates the supplier data automatically if changes occur.