Business document page

The business document page shows you a detailed description of a business document.

Header section

Figure 1. Header section
The header section contains the basic details of a business document and information about the sender and recipient of the document. This section contains, for example, the following information:
  • Sender: Contact information of the organization that has sent the business document
  • Recipient: Contact information of the organization that is the recipient of the business document
  • Business Document Details: For example, the business document number, creation and due dates of the business document and contact persons of the document's sender and recipient

Additional information section

Figure 2. Additional information section
The additional information section shows you a detailed description of the business document content and shows you the history of the business document. The section is divided into three tabs:
  • The Line Data tab lists the individual invoice lines on the business document and a summary of the business document.
  • The Files tab contains all the files — attachments, business document images, and data files — that are attached to the business document.
  • The History tab contains all the dates related to this business document. On this tab, you can check when the business document was first sent, when it was accepted by the recipient, and when it was paid.

Tax details section

Figure 3. Tax details section

The tax details section shows you an overview of the various taxes related to this business document.

Sender's details section

The sender's details sections shows you the contact information and banking details of the company that sent the business document.