Import suppliers from your ERP solution

With the Basware Master Data service, you can automate supplier import and export tasks between your existing ERP solution and Basware Supplier Management. Basware Master Data service uses OpenAPI technology. You can find the complete API schema and specification on the Basware developer site

API Setup

To use Basware APIs, contact the Basware consultant. The consultant creates a username and password and sends them to you. You must use these credentials when calling the OpenAPI interface. The consultant also configures the data types that you can upload to the Basware Master Data service and the services that the data is distributed to.

API Calls

Each type of master data has its own endpoint in Basware. For example, endpoints (that is, URLs) for supplier data are listed in the section "Managing suppliers through Basware Supplier Management" in Basware consultants can provide more information on API endpoints.

When the service configuration is complete, you must enable data extraction from your ERP solution and upload the data to the Basware Master Data service with the given OpenAPI credentials.