View and edit your company’s information

You can view your company’s information on the My Company page. Users with company administrator user rights can also make changes to their company's information.

The information written on your company profile can be viewed by anyone with access to the business directory in Basware Network.
  1. On the upper-right corner, click [Your Username] > My Company.
  2. Click the name of the organization that you want to view or edit.

    If your company is made up of a single organization, you are taken directly to the My Company page without you having to click the name of an organization.

    If your company is made up of multiple organizations, each child organization is displayed on this page in alphabetical order.

  3. Click Edit.
  4. Make the necessary changes to your company’s information.
    If your organization is located in the European Union, you must fill in a valid organization identifier in the Organization Identifier field. Without a valid identifier, organizations in the EU cannot send invoices.
    For detailed descriptions of the fields, see My Organization.
  5. Click Save Changes.