Supplier statuses

The status of a supplier provides information on their position in the review and approval workflow. If your company is using the supplier data enrichment service by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), you can also view additional statuses from these services.

Table 1. Basic statuses
Status Description
Candidate The business partner has been imported to the system.
Confirmed The business partner has confirmed the invitation to join your company's network.
Table 2. Statuses in the supplier approval workflow
Status Description
Created The supplier proposal has been created, but it has not been sent to review yet.
Review pending The supplier proposal has been sent to review.
In review The review process of the supplier proposal is ongoing.
Reviewed The supplier proposal has been reviewed.
Needs update The supplier proposal has been rejected in the review phase and sent back to the initiator of the proposal for more information.
Approval pending The supplier proposal has been reviewed, and it is waiting for the approval process.
In approval The approval process of the supplier proposal is ongoing.
Rejected The supplier proposal has been rejected in the approval phase.
Approved The supplier proposal has been approved.
Table 3. D&B statuses
Status Description
Not Yet Sent The supplier information is scheduled to be sent to the service.
In progress The supplier information has been sent to the service, but no result has yet been received.
Matched The service has found the supplier, but there was no information to receive.
Matched And Enriched The service has found the supplier and received additional company information.
Not Matched The service was unable to find the supplier.
Under Review The process is not working as it should, and Basware is looking into it.