Find a user

You can find users from your company and any subsidiary organizations through the My Company page.

  1. On the upper-right corner, click [Your Username] > My Company.
  2. Click the name of the organization whose users you want to view.

    If your company is made up of a single organization, you are taken directly to the My Company page without you having to click the name of an organization.

    If your company is made up of multiple organizations, each child organization is displayed on this page in alphabetical order.

  3. Click More Actions.
  4. From the drop-down list, select View Users.
    The Users view opens and displays a list of the users in your company and all its subsidiary organizations.
  5. To filter the results, enter the user's name, or a part of their name, in the Search field.
  6. Click Search.
    The users that match your query are displayed in the Search Results table.
  7. To view a user's information, click their username in the Search Results table.